The Message I Keep Getting From the Universe
“What if the world is holding its breath – waiting for you to take the place that only you can fill?.”
“Open your heart. Listen to your heart. Take the next step toward what it wants.”
This message doesn’t come in loud, clear sentences. It’s more like a subtle whisper. But it’s so consistent that I now know this is exactly the message that’s coming through.
In the past few years, it comes through in meditation, intense breathwork sessions, therapeutic psychedelic sessions, somatic work, dancing . . . It just keeps coming through.
I’m starting to get the sense that it’s not a special message just for me (damn it). As I share this message with close friends, I almost always get a response of something along the lines of “Hell yeah.” There’s a recognition, an almost immediate affirmation of something they’ve felt but couldn’t articulate. Or maybe a gut sense that this is sound advice no matter what.
It makes sense that this message wouldn’t just be for me. When we talk about our “heart,” I think most of us are referring to some deep emotional core inside of us. “My heart is full,” “I’m having a heart to heart connection,” “My heart is broken,” and of course, “Listening to my heart.”
We have an intuitive sense that something physically in or near our actual heart is connected to our deepest, innermost core of who we are. Some spiritual practices refer to the heart chakra or the heart center. Physiologically there is a big cluster of nerves called the cardiac plexus behind our hearts that brings together the two main parts of our autonomic nervous system.
In yogic tradition, the heart chakra is the middle point between three higher and lower chakras. It balances matter/body with spirit/mind and brings them both together to move out into the world.
I’m agnostic on the validity of all the details in the yogic chakra system, but I have experienced first hand and in many clients how the heart center brings our entire being together and acts like a portal to our core, truest, capital S - Self.
So, obviously the message I’ve been receiving is also solid universal advice for everyone. But why didn’t I receive it earlier in my life? Why only in the past few years?
Well, first because I didn’t have a practice to be able to sense such messages. But more importantly I think it’s because such a message is useless without having consistent access to one’s heart center. How can I open, listen, and follow something that I don’t even know is there?
If this is resonating for you, then I invite you to consider which practices you’ve done in your life that have connected you to your heart, and then do more of them. But if the answer is none, then I invite you further to make finding these a priority in your life.
Until you have consistent access to your heart, you’re navigating life without a compass. In the terms of Internal Family Systems, the captain’s seat of your ship is being fought over by your manager parts who are mostly scared, confused, and angry.
The good news is that there is a captain on board!
If you’re interested in getting in touch with your own heart/captain-of-your-ship then reach out and let’s talk about it!